by Zion | Aug 29, 2019 | Learning Curve, Techies
Ever thought of sending to your client a link to effect payment either via Card, USSD or Bank transfer. Or rather you want an easy way of advising your clients to pay on your Invoices. What about a unique page for you to receive money easily. Paystack has a good...
by Zion | Jul 18, 2018 | Articles, Learning Curve, WordPress
Forms are very useful for a whole variety of reasons. To receive feedback, information and serve as vehicle of communication and messaging between site visitors, clients and customers. Now the basic workflow is that when a visitor completes a form – Contact, Feedback...
by Zion | Mar 19, 2017 | Learning Curve, Relevant Articles, Techies
You need a reseller hosting account with a well established hosting provider, a dedicated domain of your own, WHMCS to handle clients Cpanel account and off-course a billing system integrated with your WHMCS account to handle payments. And that’s really simple.
by Zion | Dec 30, 2014 | Learning Curve, WordPress
If you are running a property portal for public access. Most likely you won’t want to bother yourself on posting the ads, uploading the pictures or inputting the details. The best way of handling this is to allow whoever is the landlord, agent or owner of the ad...
by Zion | Jun 30, 2014 | Learning Curve
I had a friend; he was using MS Office 2010, very essential software you will call it. If you will agree with me, 85% of PC users do have a word editing application on their PC. Coming to Nigeria, Most PC users use Windows; whatever version and that means that by...
by Zion | Jun 20, 2014 | Learning Curve
I’m sure this write-up will not cover adequately the reason it was written neither do I promise to answer all questions you the reader intend or has already asked. However you will realize something; the key to unlocking other puzzles and a stepping ground to covering...